We are proudly announcing the launch of Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Charity Research Fund, aimed at revolutionising the fight against heart and lung disease. This ambitious initiative will channel £400,000 into pioneering research projects during the 2024-2025 financial year, with a vision to award a total of £1 million  by March 2027.

Pioneering patient care

The Research Fund will prioritise innovative projects that demonstrate a clear potential to enhance patient care and outcomes. It will ensure that cardiac and respiratory research, which could lead to the treatments of tomorrow, receives the necessary financial backing to thrive. Richard Bowyer, Chief Executive of Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Charity, said:

"Our goal is to fund research that doesn't just advance scientific knowledge, but also translates into tangible improvements in patient care.” 

Strategic focus areas

The first application round will target seed funding for projects in their initial stages, collecting evidence and piloting studies that can secure larger grants from major funders like the British Heart Foundation and Asthma + Lung UK.

Potential research themes include:

  • Enabling out-of-hospital care: Innovations that promote community care, offering convenience and cost savings while improving patient outcomes
  • Accelerating personalised medicine: Tailored medical treatments based on individual genetic profiles, aiming to enhance diagnosis and treatment of heart and lung disease
  • Developing new specialist treatments & diagnostics: Cutting-edge advancements to reduce mortality rates in cardiac and respiratory conditions
  • Leveraging digital healthcare and machine learning: Integrating technology across all research areas to drive progress and efficiency.

Eligibility and application process

This year's funding is available to individuals employed by GSTT in a clinical role, including those with honorary contracts. Projects must focus on cardiac and respiratory healthcare. Applicants are encouraged to include co-applicants with relevant expertise, even if they are external to GSTT.

Key funding criteria include:

  • Projects must aim for a subsequent larger funding request from a major funder
  • Applications must demonstrate expected patient benefit, robust study design, and a clear fundraising plan
  • Eligible expenses cover basic and translational research, essential equipment, publication fees, conference costs, and more.

A collaborative effort

The Grants Committee, featuring experts in respiratory medicine and cardiology, as well as patient representatives, will assess applications. The highest scoring proposals will receive funding, with awards announced by the end of September 2024.

Looking ahead

We are committed to continuous support for groundbreaking research, with plans to open future application rounds and expand funding opportunities. This initiative is a major opportunity to advance the treatment of heart and lung disease to deliver better care for all patients.

For more details on eligibility, application guidelines, and the full range of funding priorities, go online here or contact the Grants Team at [email protected]