On this day a year ago (18 June), our six-month-old son Arthur had many hours of open heart surgery for Tetralogy of Fallot repair, a life-long condition that was diagnosed after our 20-week pregnancy scan. The Royal Brompton Hospital has been wonderful throughout, and especially over the period when Arthur had his surgery. He stayed in hospital for a week, including a stint in paediatric intensive care post-op, when they nicknamed him King Arthur due to his noisy demands for milk, something that hasn't changed much! The surgeons, doctors, nurses and everyone have been excellent, and we are more grateful than we can say for their expertise and care.

Arthur is a lively, adventurous and energetic little boy who loves climbing inappropriate things, running after balls, spotting tractors, and playing with his siblings, and his post-operative care shows his surgery been very successful. But he will continue to need the Hospital's support for the rest of his life, and we want to show our appreciation to the Brompton by helping them fundraise for their Gamma Camera appeal. They are looking to buy a machine that would be the first of its kind in London, using revolutionary technology to deliver high quality, faster scans that would be more accurate and less invasive for the patient - especially helpful for tiny patients like Arthur, but also vitally important for any adult patients who have heart scares too. The machine costs £500,000 and every little helps!

The hospital is organising a London Bridges walk on Sunday 7th July, and Will, Florence, Arthur & I are going to spend the day walking around and across multiple London bridges along with other former patients, staff, and supporters - it's not a race and Arthur will be mostly in his buggy (that's our intention anyway; he may have other ideas...), but we hope to make a small contribution to this fund as a way of saying thank you to the Brompton! Camilla Walden